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New simple pricing for your AyushEHR

AyushEHR pricing is simple, easy and transparent. We do not have different classes of users or distinguish one from the other. For us every user is important and should pay only for what they use AyushEHR for.

AyushEHR ResortAyushEHR OP
Patient Management
Electronic Health Records(EHR)
Consultation Module
Business Dashboards✖️
Clinical DashboardsComing soon
Business ReportsComing soon
Admission Management✖️
Visit & Stay Management
Treatment Planning & Execution✖️
Task Management✖️
Facility Scheduling✖️
Therapist Scheduling✖️
Internal Notes & Observations✖️
Configuration & Settings
Role based Access Control(RBAC)
Profession Based EHR Access Control
Fine Grained Privacy Level for EHR DataComing soonComing soon
Billing ModuleBetaComing soon
Package Management✖️
Room BookingComing soon✖️
Pharmacy ManagementComing soonComing soon
PRICING₹ 28/- per activity₹ 10/- per visit

Our prices start at

₹ 28/– per activity for AyushEHR Resort

₹ 10/- per visit for AyushEHR OP

all inclusive.. no more complex price calculations