How EHR software can be a useful tool to avoid instances like the Bengal Doctor Assault Case?

An unfortunate incident occurred on the evening of 10th June 2019 in Kolkata, when the entire city went down on it’s knee. A turmoil followed after the apparent natural death of a 75 year old patient in NRS Hospital. The relatives of the departed were later involved in attacking junior doctors and damaging hospital property. This triggered an enormous scale of agitation among Doctors throughout the state and later across the nation. This situation and the resultant damage could have been avoided with the adoption of Electronic Health Record.
EHR’s role in data preservation
EHR is a versatile digital technology that tracks the health record of patients. Data has become vital these days and every industry has moved in a direction that involves making important decisions based on analysis of available data. EHR helps in the preservation of patient’s treatment data and can be used for avoiding situations that occurred in Kolkata.
With an EHR, extensive information about the patient’s condition, doctor’s analysis, ongoing treatments, results and reports are all fed into the system, as it happens in real time. The regulations such as the Indian EHR standards, Person data protection act & Digital information security in Healthcare Act(DISHA) from the government of India repeatedly stress on the need for the creation electronic documentation and patients’ right to his/her health history and information. In reference to the case, the patient’s EHR could have been used to provide the needful information to the family and friends in a transparent way. The information would have acted as a strong evidence against their mistrust and resulting accusations.
Detailed mapping of information
Every EHR software is designed to provide personalised care, capture all data related to patient and avoid assumption based treatments. Because of being feature rich, it might add slightly to the work load for the doctors and staff, but helps in eliminating unnecessary risks concerning the patient’s health. Doctors might find it time consuming at first but would find it beneficial in the long run for references like a case study, research and analysis.
Detailed collation and mapping of information was needed to validate the report of the doctors on the Bengal doctor assault case. Adoption of EHR throughout all medical would have made this simple and timely. This would further keep such confusions at bay and avoid medical mishaps for all. It is always to the advantage of the doctors to have a transparent system that upholds ethical and medical standards.
AyushEHR backing up verification and validation
AyushEHR is a cloud based EHR software for helping Ayurveda practitioners document care process, validate their treatment and bring about awareness about Ayurveda. Also, much like the Bengal Assault Case, various other cases have highlighted the level of mistrust and frustration that has crept into Healthcare and driving patients to question doctors and the treatment procedures. A nationwide strike cannot be the answer to that. Products like AyushEHR, that comply to the regulatory standards and provide a proper solution for all stake holders to build transparency and trust using shared care information could be a solution.
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