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Modern software for traditional Ayurveda healthcare

AyushEHR is the perfect software solution to manage your Ayurveda resort. Our cloud based software is a combination of an EHR to handle the clinical data of your guests and an ERP to manage the operations of the resort.


  • Remote gathering of health information
  • Personalized treatment based on health history
  • Streamline planning of staff and facility
  • Gain Customer confidence with shared care plan


  • Collaborative treatment with captured & shared information
  • Continuous monitoring of plan, delivery and feedback
  • Enhanced experience with shared data and participation

Remain engaged

  • Customer loyalty with shared health history
  • Remote support to sustain lifestyle changes
  • Remote care through updated EHR and review

Get empowered

This Cloud based software solution for Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy helps resorts prepare to treat their patients, care for them and to connect with them post treatment. To effectively care for patients, AYUSH centres have to collect the medical history of their patients prior to their check-in to the centre. Using the retrieved data, the centre can plan the treatment and care protocol and prepare a therapy agenda that is personalized for the individual.

AyushEHR allows this information to be shared with the patient, helping in the communication of the scope of treatment and any preparations required to be done by the patient.

All you need to create a customized experience

  • On arrival of the guest, the treatment will unfold and all activities planned in the agenda will be tracked
  • Details captured by staff per activity, notes by staff and feedback by guest is captured
  • Data captured is shared with staff to continuously improve treatment delivery to the guest
  • The guest is in the loop as feedback provided is addressed during the treatment itself
  • The guest will also be empowered with treatment details and any clarifications or preferences gets addressed during the care period
  • On completion of the treatment, the lifestyle modifications initiated at the centre has to be continued to sustain the benefits

Why AyushEHR

AyushEHR, is built on years of International experience in building EHR systems. This vast experience has enabled us to adapt these technologies to traditional healthcare practices that evolved over centuries and has helped us to differentiate from conventional solutions in many ways.
Standards Compliant

Standards Compliant

  • Aligned to Indian government EHR standards
  • Integrated SNOMED CT terminology service
  • Coded & computable data for reports & analysis
  • Designed for data privacy & security

Ayush Focussed

Ayush Focussed

  • AYUSH specific clinical modules
  • Customized treatment planner
  • Designed for long stay care

Cloud based

Cloud based

  • Access & use anytime & from anywhere
  • Pay as you go subscription
  • Multi-organization, multi-location support
  • Low infrastructure requirement



  • Low initial setup cost
  • Revenue linked subscription
  • Low fixed monthly commitment
  • Flexible subscription models

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Some good things people have said about AyushEHR
Balaji Nanabala

Balaji Nanabala

CEO, Shreyas Retreat

With it’s focus on Indian wellness practices, Ayush EHR is helping us become more productive and consistent in our care delivery. Through the improved transparency, guest engagement and resulting trust we are able to deliver improved healthcare experience to build a global brand and improve business.

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Regd. Office

Clinical Flow Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

# 10, Uthamar Gandhi Salai, Chennai - 600034

  • Viswanath, Director – +91 99401 13034
  • Dileep, Director - +91 79756 70933

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