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AyushEHR version 2.1.4 released

Published by Dileep V S on

Standards based software for Ayurveda, yoga & naturopathy

We are happy to announce the public availability of AyushEHR 2.1.4 after more than 3 weeks of development. This release strikes a balance between adding new functionality and incremental improvements on the existing.

The new pckup/drop module makes the scheduling and monitoring of airport pickups and drop offs a breeze. Till now the master agenda & common activity modules were being used to do this in an indirect way. With this module, pickup and drop can be scheduled at a guest episode level.

Demographics module has been enhanced to record and contextually present the profession of the guests. This request has been outstanding from users for some time.

Users had also pointed out that some of the guest who come for therapeutic reasons are accompanied by a caretaker, who is key to all decisions about their treatments. With this release this information can also be recorded and shared at an episode level.

We have also started our build up towards booking and billing modules for AyushEHR with the additional attributes for services. These include default duration, pre & post buffer time and price. Default duration is intended to help in scheduling the activity & provide overlap warnings and the buffer time is designed to cater for preparation and cleaning of facilities beyond the actual activity duration. The ability to configure price for services is intended to be used for generation of bills in the proposed billing module.

The terminology service has been upgraded for better performance and functionality. Contextual type head searches have been made more relevant with improved search parameter selection. New functionality has been added to lookup for an ICD 10 code from SNOMED CT concept IDs.

All tabular reports now sport a date range filter for the user to generate more meaningful and actionable reports. Thanks Balaji@Shreyas for this excellent suggestion.

Also included are a large number of usability improvements and bug fixes such as direct keyboard data entry, upto 11 slots in master agenda and duration entry in clinical data history where accurate dates are difficult to gather.

As usual AyushEHR team is eternally grateful to our users for pushing us to make the best even better.