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Modern Health Information Technology(HIT) tools that enhance the delivery of Ayurveda Outpatient(OP) care

Published by Dileep V S on

Modern Health Information Technology(HIT) tools that enhance the delivery of Ayurveda Outpatient(OP) care

Healthcare industry is forever trying to improve and enhance their services, operational efficiency and outcomes. Already, a lot has been done in the past 10 years to achieve great new promises in healthcare services. The Indian healthcare market is worth US$ 160 billion in 2017 as per an analysis report of IBEF, and it is expected to reach around US$ 280 billion by 2020, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 22.9 per cent.

In India, the public health sector covers 18% of the total outpatient care and 44% of total inpatient care. Though the outpatient care in the country has improved tremendously in the past decade, there is a lot that still needs to be achieved. Outpatient or Ambulatory care refers to medical services, treatments and procedures, typically low-acuity ones that do not require an overnight stay at any medical institution.

Generally, outpatient care covers four major services.

  • Diagnostic services
  • Treatments
  • Rehabilitation
  • Wellness and prevention services

Outpatient care in Ayurveda

A very wrong and misunderstood notion about Ayurveda is that Ayurveda treatments, especially oil and massage treatments, are for relaxation and wellness. However, there is a distinct line between the Ayurveda wellness treatments and intensive detoxification (panchakarma).

Panchakarma is an elaborate treatment that rejuvenates the entire body and mind. This treatment comprises of herbal oil massages, steam baths, cleansing enemas, a detox diet and other purifying practices. Generally, a Panchakarma treatment is 3 to 12 weeks long that depends on the symptoms of the individual and also on the intensity of the disease.

Though Ayurveda treatment process is often elaborate and complex, Ayurveda doctors and physicians often offer outpatient Panchakarma treatments. The patient lives in the comfort of his/her home and visits the Ayurveda clinics regularly for consultations, diagnosis and treatments. This, though, is recommended only for people who live in a healthy environment, away from stress, as Panchakarma is a holistic treatment that relaxes both the body and mind and the person needs to be in a tension free environment, for the treatment to work thoroughly.

Currently the private sector provides 80% of outpatient care and 60% of inpatient care in Ayurveda.

Benefits of EHR in Outpatient Management

  • Computerised prescribing– EHR is a giant leap forward in legibility and also the ability to rapidly retrieve information from computers that are both computable and sharable. It provides a structure to the information that is not erased or disrupted upon sharing.
  • Efficient diagnosis of disease or illness– It records the medical history of the patient and hence helps in outlining a patient’s major illness, urgency of a surgery, possible indication of allergies in specific diet and medications.
  • Cost effective– Adoption of EHR has saved money for the management by decreasing Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) and transforming record rooms into more productive space for treatment.
  • Predict health emergencies in advance– It is a boon to medical science, as it has the ability to predict health concerns by outpatients by regular analysis and feedback provided by them. These observations are made easy by the implementation of EHR and tracking issues faced by them and thus eliminate any chances of medical negligence.

We at AyushEHR are delighted to introduce AyushEHR OP, Outpatient Management services to our software. We strive every day, to provide the best services to you that would add a little to the development of the healthcare spectrum in India. AyushEHR OP is a simple and comprehensive EHR solution for any Ayurveda practitioner to streamline and modernize their OP practice. Please contact us to know more
